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Friends of Sew Restored have said some very nice things that we would like to share with you.

~ T E S T I M O N I A L S ~

"Tom M" wrote …"the quality and care you put into what you do does not go unnoticed."

“Yvette C” wrote … “I opened it that night My MOM Went nuts so did I. She taught me to sew on that model!” ... “I'm so loving it!!! Wait till you see what I can do with that machine …”

"Bobbie P" wrote ... "hard to convey my thanks as your restoration was beyond perfect. My hands were shaking as I threaded my machine, and then it ran better than I even remembered. Thank you so much for the care you put into it.

I will be getting her into the cabinet this evening, when I have some help.
... And I will certainly pass on your name for anyone looking for machine restoration, with my highest recommendation.
Still just blown away by the level of detailing you put into my machine. Words do not suffice."

"Jan L" wrote ... "If more business owners were like you it would be a better world.  It's obvious that you have a superior work ethic and care a great deal about the people you sell to and the jobs you do for them. After buying my vintage Anker sewing machine from you, I can't wait to see what you do with my vintage Singer.  I appreciate so much the time you have taken with me."

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